Features & Benefits
New markets, and thus new requirements, initiated the development of the IRM-3 series. Revolutionary in the design of rotary gas meters are the square shaped impellers or rotors, resulting in a compact, robust meter with a high turn down ratio and with a minimum of maintenance required. The combination of the compact design and the dual rotor design enabled flow ranges up to 1600 m³/h and high performance up to 16 bar.
Features & Benefits
- Meter sizes: G 400 – G 1000
- Flow rates from 6 to 1600 m3/h
- Nominal sizes DN 100 – DN 200
- Pressure ratings PN 10/16 and ANSI 150
- Temperature ranges:
- MID: -25 °C to +55 °C
- PED: -25 °C to +55 °C
- ATEX: -20 °C to +55 °C
- Aluminium housing
- DUO principle for pulsation-free, resonance-free and low-noise operation
- Double index for universal installation and flow direction
- Optional: Absolute-ENCODER S1D
- Optional: Mechanical index drive
♦ Custody transfer measurement of natural gas
♦ Gas exploration, transmission and distribution
♦ Domestic & Industrial gas distribution